Sunday, December 18, 2011

Game Server Update

The game server running with Bukkit 1.0.0-R1 is almost ready to go.  Once it launches you will need to know a few things.

EDIT: This won't go into effect (aka the new server wont launch / the maps wont be uploaded until later today 12/18/2011)

1. There are two new maps.  One survival, one creative.  
Everyone first spawns into the spawn zone on the survival map.  If you want to play survival you can just start playing, if you want to play creative follow the signs to the creative map portal. Because of the nature of creative mode (you have access to all materials) any griefing on the creative map will result in an instant Name and IP perma-ban, no questions asked.  We have a plugin that logs every block placement and removal, the server logs everything, literally.  We will be able to find out who did any griefing.

2. How to get your stuff moved over
Due to the problems last time we changed the map with getting things moved over, I have decided on a system to make this easier and faster. READ THIS CAREFULLY! If you do not follow the instructions exactly then I will not help you.  This is not to be mean or unfair to anyone, it is just meant to make things easier and quicker for you and for me.

STEP 1: Download any map you have stuff on that you want moved.
All links are for FileServe Downloads.  If anyone would like to host them on another file hosting site let me know.
Old Old World (Pre - 1.8.1): (285.67 MB)
Last World (1.8.1): (378.09 MB)
Vanilla World (1.0.0): (106.81 MB)

STEP 2: Download MCEdit. Link

STEP 3: Follow the world specific instructions below. Anything you want imported into...

Survival Map
- Find your creation in MCEdit.
- Email the coordinates to
-> with the subject line: Transfer to Survival
-> with a body of: YourMinecraftName - (Where the '#' is the number of the transfer, your first being 1, second 2, etc).

Creative Map
- Find your creating in MCEdit.
- Select it and export it (select the area, click copy and it will pop up a box to hit save). Be sure to only save your structure DO NOT select entire chunks.  If your structure is underground try to select as little area around the structure as possible.
- Email the files to
-> with the subject line: Transfer to Creative
-> with a body of: YourMinecraftName - # (Where the '#' is the number of the transfer, your first being 1, second 2, etc).

Step 4: In the either the survival or creative map (depending on the guide you followed) find a location where you want the structure placed.  Create a one block column of dirt from the ground straight up in the air to the top of the map.  On top of that place a sign with your Minecraft Name and the number of the transfer in your email. You can also leave a second sign with some info about where you want the structure Eg. what side facing where. (You might need to delete one block off the top to fit the sign.)  Also, under no circumstances, create a column of anything like that unless instructed to do so for something like this.

Once you have completed the steps, the next time no one is online or only a few people are online I will take the server down and move all the structures over.

Thank you for following these steps, it will help me get all of this done quickly.

If you have any questions about this process please feel free to comment or message me if I am on Minecraft (Username KayoticSully).

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Massive Update

Starting tomorrow afternoon (Friday 12/16) I will finally be free and have the time to work on Mineshafter Squared again and upgrade the Official Server.  Below are the list of changes I will start to work on.  When each point and feature will be finished or what order is a different story.

All lists in Priority Order.

Official Server:
- Upgrade to Bukkit 1.0.0-R1 (as long as the terrain generation bug is fixed)

- Minimize the amount of plugins being used.

- Move to new worlds.  (Hopefully last time for a while).  There will be only 2 worlds. One survival, one creative.  Old maps will be up for download. You can either export your buildings via MCEdit if you want them to be in creative world, or you can use MCEdit to tell me their coordinates. (In game coordinates and MCEdit coordinates are not always the same, so I need the MCEdit coordinates) if you want your structures to be in survival.

Mineshafter Squared Website
- Redesign using new technology.  I will be redoing the entire website front end and back end.  the back end will be much more efficient, the front end will become much faster and better looking.  This might take a few weeks to do, but is going to be my main focus.

- Server lists.  The site redesign will include server lists.  I need to redesign everything to make room for the server lists feature anyway so this will be heavily integrated into the new design.

- New forums.  I am either going to integrate an existing forum tool into the new design, or I will make my own basic forum for the site.  Either way I want everyone to be able to use their Minecraft logins to access the forums.

MineshafterSquared Proxies
- New faster proxies.  The client proxy will boot faster, without a splash.  This is due greatly to the work of Download13 who has updated the original Proxy which I have already integrated into my proxy.  There are just a few bugs to work out before I feel comfortable releasing it officially.

- The Server proxy will have a lot of new features.  Automatic server backup, automatic server list setup, advanced management features that allow you to admin and manage your server through the Mineshafter Squared website.  All of these features will be opt-in meaning they are all off and you have to specifically turn them each on separately.

There are plenty of other things I will be adding, changing updating, but these are the major ones.  Just a heads up as to what I will be working on.  Again I am not sure when these features will be completed, but I will have a lot of free time over the next 30 days so I will see what I can get to in that time.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Second Server for 1.0.0

Okay guys since bukkit is taking a while I put up a vanilla 1.0.0 server at:

You absolutely can not forget the :25566 or you will not connect to the correct server.  I am not sure what I will do once bukkit has come out but for now if you want to play vanilla 1.0.0 there you go.