Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Client Version 2.8

Quick Note: This is only an update for the client, server admins do not need to update the server proxy.

This update has been needed for a while. It will fix a lot of issues across all operating systems.  It will also fix any update problems the next time the game needs updating.

If you are having any trouble with the new client, stop by the forums or respond to this post.


  1. Hi, since this new version it just shows window saying "Checking for updates" and disappears... there's no java process in the taskmanager, any ways to fix it?

  2. Well it's now working... I was messing up with .minecraft folder so that's probbably the reason.

  3. mine cant open. it says its checking for updates, after that nothing happens

  4. Okay, what operating systems are you guys using. And by checking updates do you guys mean that it tells you you need to update the client, or the "Checking for updates" phase on the new splash screen?

    If it keeps telling you to re download the proxy client, then clear your browsers cache and re download the file. I ran into a problem last night where my browser would not download the newest version because it was cached.

  5. Okay There were a few issues with the auth server, so it might work now, give it another shot.

  6. it dissapears at the splash screen

  7. okay that should be fixed now I just noticed an error in the code, damn typos.
